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Leeds University Geography Department Quiz Evening

Wednesday 11th December 2002

5:00 - 7:30 p.m. Geography Foyer


Undergraduates captained by Matt Wood

Postgraduates captained by James Debenham

Administrative Staff captained by Alison Manson

Academic Staff (inc. Research) captained by Mark Birkin

Each team had four playing members plus unlimited substitutions between games


Each team played the other, making a league of six games. It was never established how many points one got for a win!


Questions were asked for two points each. The first team to buzz got the shot at answering the question. An incorrect interruption lost one point and the opposition were given time to discuss and think about it.

For each 'Rookie' member (i.e. one which had not previously participated), a two point bonus was awarded.

The first team to reach 30 points were the winners.

Entry and Prizes

Entry was £5 per team and the prizes were a globe, bottle of wine and chocolates.


Post Graduates 27 Undergraduates 30
Academics 30 Administration 29
Academics 30 Post Graduates 20
Undergraduates 30 Administration 25
Administration 29 post Graduates 30
Undergraduates 30 Academics 10

As draws were not possible, call it one point for a win, therefore

League Standings

Undergraduates 3
Academics 2
Post Graduates 1
Administration 0

Looking at it another way

Points Scored

Undergraduates 90
Administration 83
Post Graduates 77
Academics 70


Fab night, with five extremely tight and fascinating games. High scoring in that somebody somewhere usually knew the answer to the questions, although there were some illuminating insights into areas of expertise, i.e.

What is it called where water emerges from the ground?

Academics - "A Leak"

Administration - " A Geyser" (I suppose the latter was a reasonable guess, but the answer was, naturally, a spring).

Nobody knew the highest waterfall in the United States (Yosemite) or the highest mountain in Canada (Logan)!

The Admin. staff were desperately unlucky in all their three matches.

The Post Grads had the best turn out and supplied buns. Their playing of rookies, despite giving them a six point start against the Acs, seemed to balance out by the team not getting into their stride until the Acs were ten - nil up.

The Academics may have missed their captain who didn't play the last game, which was their only loss, but don't tell Mark Birkin!

The Undergraduates were just awesome. Never a doubt. Have it...oh yes


Do it again

What's Next

The English and Classics Departments have expressed a desire to participate in a quiz night. More details later.

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